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Graduate Employment Survey 2024
Career Center

Personal Data Collection and Usage Statement

Personal data collected will be used for purposes that are consistent with the University's mission, typically in the academic, teaching, administration, and educational areas. We may also use your personal data to communicate with you regarding various activities organized by the University, including seminars, programs, training, fund raising, special initiatives and events, and so on. Your data may also be summarized / aggregated / de-personalized and, in this context, used for research and analysis / statistical purposes. We will not share your personal data with any non-University party except where it is essential and under strict privacy agreement, or that it is required by law/regulation. The data collected will be handled with strict security and confidentiality and in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong. Thank you for agreeing to the collection and usage of your personal data by completing this survey. Should you have any concern, please contact the Career Center.

Student ID Full Name in English
Phone No. Personal Email
Your degree obtained is:
Section A - Employment Status

Your CURRENT status is:

Section B - Undergraduate Satisfaction (Teaching and Learning Experience and Overall Learning Environment)

Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of my programme and my experience of teaching and learning, taking account of the support that I have received, knowledge, skill and value that I have gained/ acquired.

Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the learning environment, taking account of the learning resources, including Library, IT access, study space and the opportunities afforded to engage with other students.

Section C - Employment Details
Your PRESENT position / job title:

(e.g. Computer Programmer, Accountant, etc.)
Number of MONTHLY salary payments per year:

Income Summary:

MONTHLY BASIC salary MONTHLY allowances in total
(e.g. meal, housing, traveling)
EXCLUDING monthly basic salary
Number of MONTHLY
salary payments
HK$     + HK$     x       =    HK$  
Fixed part of annual salary
Anticipated commission PER YEAR Anticipated bonus PER YEAR
(e.g. year-end bonus, gratuity)
HK$     + HK$           =    HK$  
Variable part of annual salary
Total annual salary (Fixed part + Variable part) =    HK$  

Income Summary:

(or equivalent)
Anticipated commission PER YEAR Anticipated bonus PER YEAR
HK$      HK$          

Name of your PRESENT employer / organization (Full name in English):

(e.g. ABC Company Limited)
Employement Sector:

Does your self-employment involve start-up and/or entrepreneurship element?

(e.g. CEO, Director, Founder, Co-founder etc. of a company or an organization)

Is your work location based in Hong Kong?

Does your job require you to frequently travel outside Hong Kong?

Section D - Job Searching Process

How many first-round interview(s) have you participated during your final year of study?


How many job offer(s) have you received so far during your final year of study?

When did you receive your FIRST JOB OFFER?

You have obtained job offer(s) from the following job lead(s):

(You can select more than one)
Section E - Further Studies

Are you currently enrolled in any courses which lead to a formal qualification?

Section F - Other Questions

Are you emigrated or did you return to your home country?

Section G - Internship Experience

Did you have any internship/work experience (excluding private tutoring) during your study in the University?

Did you have any full-time work experience or full-time internship experience BEFORE your postgraduate studies at HKUST?

Section H - Not in Full Time Employment

What is your major reason for not engaging in full-time employment?


Have you received any full-time job offer(s) so far?

If you need assistance in job search, you are welcome to make an appointment with our Career Advisors at You can also get access to JIJIS ( until August 2025. For enquiries, please contact us at (852) 2358 6688 or

Section I - Relationship between research skill and career development

Do you find the research skills acquired in your study relevant to your PRESENT job?

To what extent is your PRESENT job research-related?