Non-local Students Working in Hong Kong
Updates on Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)
Further to the Policy Address announced by the Chief Executive on Oct 19, 2022, the government will relax the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG) by extending the limit of stay from 1 year (12 months) to 2 years (24 months) to facilitate the non-local post-secondary graduates staying in or coming to Hong Kong for work. This is a pilot arrangement in 2022 and will be reviewed after the first year of implementation.
The scope of the IANG Scheme will also be expanded to cover post-secondary students who have graduated from the campuses of Hong Kong’s universities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA) on a pilot basis for 2 years. Under the expanded scope, graduates of all undergraduate and postgraduate programs of the GBA campuses including HKUST (Guangzhou) will be eligible to apply for IANG. The general eligibility of IANG for graduates of HKUST (Guangzhou) will remain the same as that for the non-local graduates of the prevailing IANG, except for suitable adaptations to suit the circumstances of the graduates from the GBA campus.
Click HERE to learn more about the guidelines for HKUST non-local students working in Hong Kong. We will publish the updated information on our website once the implementation details and guidelines are finalized by the government later.
If you have any further questions regarding non-local students in Hong Kong, please reach out to us through the following channels, schedule a consultation with our career advisors, or contact the Hong Kong Immigration Department directly.