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Non-local Students Working in Hong Kong (Guidelines for Students)
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Employment DURING the Study Program


To enhance learning and enrichment opportunities for international students, the Government announced that starting from Nov 1, 2024, full-time non-local undergraduate students would be temporarily exempted from the restrictions on taking up part-time jobs. The arrangement will be implemented on a trial basis until Oct 31, 2025. Eligible non-local undergraduate students will be issued an updated "No Objection Letter" (NOL) upon approval of entry or extension of stay applications that allows them to take up any employments during their program of study. Non-local students shall observe the conditions for these employments as stated in the NOL issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Any breach of condition of stay will render them liable to prosecution and deportation from Hong Kong.


To enhance learning and enrichment opportunities for international students, the Government announced that starting from Nov 1, 2023, full-time non-local postgraduate students would be temporarily exempted from the restrictions on taking up part-time jobs. The arrangement will be implemented on a trial basis for two years until Oct 31, 2025. Eligible non-local postgraduate students will be issued an updated NOL upon approval of entry or extension of stay applications that allows them to take up any employments during their program of study. Non-local students shall observe the conditions for these employments as stated in the NOL issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Any breach of condition of stay will render them liable to prosecution and deportation from Hong Kong.

Employment AFTER the Completion of Studies (IANG Scheme)

Applicants who are/were non-local students and have obtained an undergraduate or higher qualification in a full-time and locally-accredited program in Hong Kong may apply to stay/return and work in Hong Kong under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG) Scheme.

Non-Local Recent Graduates

Non-local graduates who submit applications to the Immigration Department within six months after the date of their graduation (i.e. the date shown on their graduation certificates) are classified as non-local recent graduates. Under the IANG Scheme, non-local recent graduates would be granted a *24 months' stay provided that normal immigration requirements are met. During this period, they are free to look for, take up or change employment in Hong Kong.

Non-local recent graduates who wish to apply to stay and work in the HKSAR are NOT required to have secured an offer of employment upon application.

Non-Local Non-Recent Graduates

Non-local graduates who submit applications beyond six months of the date of their graduation are classified as non-local non-recent graduates. Non-local non-recent graduates who wish to return to work in the HKSAR are required to secure an offer of employment upon application. Their applications will be favorably considered so long as the job is at a level commonly taken up by degree holders and the remuneration package is at market level. They would be granted a *24 months' stay provided that normal immigration requirements are met.

Upon expiration of IANG, subsequent extensions of stay will normally follow the "2 years + 2 years + 3 years" pattern subject to the applicant fulfilling applicable conditions with sponsorship from his/her employer.

*[Dated Oct 19, 2022] Further to the Policy Address announced by the Chief Executive on Oct 19, 2022, the government will relax the IANG by extending the limit of stay from 1 year (12 months) to 2 years (24 months) to facilitate the non-local post-secondary graduates staying in or coming to Hong Kong for work. This is a pilot arrangement and will be reviewed after the first year of implementation.
